Ivywood is set on 40 acres of magical woodland in Co. Clare, Ireland. Herbalists Marina and Ross relocated their young family of three kids and their herbal plants to this very special piece of land in 2018. It had always been a dream of theirs to have a home on their own woodland with mature trees. After finding Ivywood they knew it was the perfect place to create a healing space for their clinical practice, their teaching, and their herb nursery. They created the apothecary natural building from wood, lime and stone by hand themselves using found stone from the land and timber they hand felled from the woodlands.
Over the first months and year on the land to their amazement they discovered ancient parts of the woodlands along hidden pathways. To this day there is a 6 acre section of woods they have never ventured into! They took their time settling into and connecting with the space before embarking on a natural roundhouse build from materials on the land. For Marina and Ross building a space with their own hands from their own hand felled timber was an extremely important part of their vision. You can find out more about this here.
Stepping into the Ivywood woodland brings a deep sense of connection and serenity. The space is alive and flowing. From the older Beech, Rowan and Oaks along the river to the ancient Hazel grove with it’s fairy paths leading to gnarled Hawthorns and Willows, lie grassy tracks that take you to the youngest areas of the woodlands with eager twenty five year old stands of Sycamore, Holly, Ash and Larch. A ramble often takes you wading through waist high ferns.
Ivywood is sanctuary to deer, foxes, badgers, red squirrels, bats, pine martins, giant hares and even an otter. The little lake teaming with fish is home to a friendly heron, whilst the surrounding trees shelter shy yet showy buzzards, sparrow hawks, and peregrine falcons. A whole host of smaller bird life entertains you with the songs of their dawn chorus. Cloaks of Ivy drape trees creating hidden sitting spots and Ivywoods even more secluded areas are left undisturbed and protected by a dense growth of Brambles and Gorse that contain dark passageways made by the woodlands inhabitants. It is no wonder these precious ancient areas are called Cetlic Rainforests. Over time at Ivywood an abundance of wild medicinal plants have been discovered like Bugle, Viola’s, Honeysuckle, Purple Loosestrife and Rosebay Willowherb to name a few!
Marina and Ross moved a huge amount of their older plants to Ivywood from their herb garden and farm in Co. Sligo. They have all settled into their new home wonderfully. A new teaching garden and source garden is currently being created in the areas around the roundhouse building. Many rare and endangered woodland medicinal plants have been settled into the Ivywood woods. In time, Ross and Marina hope to make more of these healing plants available to the public through their herb nursery.
Walking pathways through some areas of the woodland and by the river are being established so that patients to their clinic and attendees at the events can enjoy the peace and tranquillity of Ivywood. Ross and Marina have many more plans for Ivywood with the wish to welcome others here to experience the magic of the space and to share with them their knowledge of herbal medicine and health. To learn more about herbal medicine from Ross and Marina visit our videos page and articles page or see the courses they offer on the events shop page.