At Ivywood Apothecary Ross and Marina grow and produce the majority of the herbal medicines for their patients. They produce high quality medicines from the plants they carefully cultivate, as well as from wild plants they harvest from the hedgerows and woodlands of Ivywood.
They believe in working with the plant medicines they create themselves for the healing of their patients. Ross and Marina grow native Irish medicinal plants, and other medicinals from around the world. Marina's half Indian - half Irish heritage has led her to study Ayurvedic medicine and grow plants from the Ayurvedic tradition.
Both Ross and Marina have travelled the world extensively working with plant medicines from different cultures. They studied Chinese Herbal Medicine and enjoy growing a variety Chinese medicinal plants, along with North and South American plants of the native peoples there, and plants from the African continant.
To be sustainable in their practice as herbalists they feel it important to grow and make medicines with these plants and for their clnic. They also understand the energetic significance of growing medicines for the healing of their patients. If there are plants they cannot grow they source the best quality organic dried herb and tincture it themsleves to create the medicine.
Their practice combines herbal medicine, naturopathy and nutritional therapy.
The clinic runs on Monday afternoons, and on full days Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Consultations are in person only.
To get in touch for an appointment it is best to email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or call: 065 672 4891
Initial Consultation: €95 (1.5 hours)
Follow Up Consultation: €50 (45 mins)
Children's Consultation: €50 (40 mins in person, and initial 30min phone call with parent/ guardian)
Herbal Medicine Formula 3 - 4 week supply: €45
Herbal Tea Mix 4 week supply: €15
Herbal Medicine Formula 5 - 6 week supply: €65
Cream/ Ointment 30mls: €30
Cream/ Ointment 60mls: €50
*Formulations are specifically blended for the individual on the day.
They offer a range of tests from Genova Diagnostics. As qualified phlebotomists blood samples for tests can be taken if needed as part of consultations. Through thier clinical experience they found the use of medicinal mushrooms invaluable alongside herbal medicnes and nutrition. They now supply other healthcare professionals and the public with the MycoNutri range of medicinal mushrooms via their online shop.
Sharing knowledge to help empower others towards better health is key to thier clinical practice. Ross and Marina teach courses to the public on herbal medicine and nutrition. Check out our events page for more information on courses.
What is Herbal Medicine?
Plant medicines have been used by people for centuries to heal the body, bring wellbeing and restore balance. Modern herbal medicine has evolved into a professional practice with many highly qualified herbalists providing safe and effective treatments for a huge range of conditions. Today, science has well documented research papers which back up the uses of medicinal plants and there is a greater understanding of the interactions that pharmaceutical medication has with herbal medicine. Herbal medicine has seen a great revival over the past decade where people and communities are re-educating themselves in the use of native and wild harvested medicinal plants. This has allowed people to take responsibility for their own health and to give them safer and more cost-effective treatments than what may have been previously offered.
Herbal medicine comes in many forms and there are many ways of extracting the phytochemicals from the plant. The most common method of preserving the medicinal properties is by using alcohol which is called a tincture. A tincture is made by adding alcohol at a specific strength and amount for the particular phytochemicals you want to extract. It sounds complicated but it is something you can easily do at home with some very basic equipment. Other methods include decocting or infusing to make a cup of tea form the dried or fresh herbs. By picking the specific part of a plant at its optimal time for harvest you will receive the greatest benefit as the plant will have put all its healing energy in that part of the plant. Understanding and learning when is the best time to harvest your plants for medicinal use is explained on the courses we teach. Using plant as medicine is a very safe and effective way to treat many conditions.