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Hawthorns in Blossom

Hawthorn flower harvest

Hawthorns in Blossom

For anyone that has taken rest in the shady embrace of a Hawthorn in blossom, the sense of entering a world of magic is undeniable. May has always been a time of abundance and transformation for us. Each year as we witness the Hawthorns burst into blossom across Ireland it brings a surge of energy that washes through the heart like a revitalising wave. The heart flourishes as it opens in lightness and Summer is heralded.

Today the kids brought us to a group of very old Hawthorns they call their Hawthorn House. This ancient and gnarled cluster of trees with heavy trailing Ivy has created a snug enclave they play in. Roan showed us it has 3 doorways in and out with little places they like to sit. Experiencing the Hawthorn through a child’s eye reminds me how this sacred tree is seen as gateway in Ireland. It is well known as a passageway to other realms. This tree is steeped in magic and folklore. Hawthorns are often feared as they possess the veil that conceals the Spirits of the land. Like all the sacred trees it offers us the opportunity to delve into a deeper, and sometimes darker, aspect of ourselves.

Our little Tilia Manjistha assisted us in our Hawthorn harvest. What child would not be attracted to the sweet smell and lightness the flowers exude. The spikes hidden amongst her flowering arms remind us of her protective mothering nature. And yet, harvesting from her is never a battle as her flowering tops are generously surrendered into even the tenderest of grasps as she so willingly gives her healing. As the Mother, she holds the energy to provide the deepest heart nourishing.

These Hawthorn blossoms will be dried for tea and made into tincture. They are an excellent cardio tonic with the ability to support and correct heart function. We use this valuable plant as medicine for high blood pressure, arrythmia, circulation to increase coronary blood flow, to protect the heart from degeneration, myocardial damage and support the nervous system. It is key in the treatment of congestive heart disease as its ability to dilate the coronary arteries combats the insufficiency of oxygen rich blood flowing to the heart due to diseases like atherosclerosis. Where we see symptoms of dyspnoea, tachycardia, angina and arrythmia Hawthorn is indicated. The flowers and young leaves are highly antioxidant and rich in oligomeric procyanidins and flavonoids making it a superb cardio protective.

Come Winter we will harvest the Hawthorn berries to make medicines that work to strengthen the contractability of the myocardia and connect us back to the heart energy as we reflect inward. The flowering tops and berries of Hawthorn in combination are a one stop tonic for maintaining heart health and a deeply moving energetic medicine too! Taking her blossoms and berries into you bring forth an opening of the heart, releasing past hurts held in the heart and blockages that give way to forgiveness, trust and a deepening of self-love.

There are many old Hawthorns at Ivywood. The dark spaces they form beneath their shadowy branches and twisted limbs are interestingly luring and magically embracing. Since our time here many veils have been lifted where the guidance from living amongst the trees has allowed us to deepen our connection to this land, its healing, our work with the plants and most importantly – to follow our hearts